Destiny 2: All The Titan Sunbreaker Skills Friv 0

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All The Titan Sunbreaker Skills

Here comes the sun! If the new Captain America-esque Sentinel class doesn't tickle your fancy in Destiny 2, you can always decide to be Thor instead. First introduced in Destiny: The Taken King, the Solar hammer-wielding Sunbreaker class returns in Destiny 2 to bring the fire back into your space adventures.

Sunbreakers specialise in being self-sustaining, dealing large amounts of damage over time with burn effects, stacking abilities for increased effect, and basically setting fire to everything in sight. They love bathing in fire, and many of the abilities you'll use will be enhanced when you're standing in self-made sunspots.

Much like the Striker subclass, to gain access to Sunbreaker you'll need to find the Melted Hammer relic, which appears randomly in chests. Once you have it, you'll need to charge it by killing enemies and participating in Public Events, which are on a timer and can be found on the map. Once you've completed that requirement, you'll be given the opportunity to perform another Traveler's Shard mission.

For more information on other Titan subclasses follow the links below:

For even more Destiny content, we have a full roundup of our review and all our guide content here.

Super Ability: Hammer of Sol

It's hammer time! Pressing L1 + R1 (LB + RB on Xbox One, F on PC) when your Super Meter is full summons your flaming hammer of Sol, ready to dish out some flaming justice. Here are your options:

L1 (LB on Xbox One, Q on PC) - Throws your hammer. This is the primary method of attack, and with the right buffs, you can use hammer to create explosions and Sunspots around the battlefield, which can be very advantageous.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Fire-Forged:

Tempered Metal - With tempered metal enabled, any kills made with solar abilities (grenades, melee abilities, and your super) speed up reload and movement speeds for you and any nearby allies.

Explosive Pyre - This trait upgrades your Hammer of Sol super to explode on enemy impact, creating area-of-effect damage which can cause additional triggers of Tempered Metal.

Vulcan's Rage - This trait further upgrades your Hammer of Sol super to cause thrown hammers to shatter into explosive molten embers on impact. As you can imagine, under optimal circumstances these embers can kill additional enemies, cause more explosions, and trigger more instances of Tempered Metal.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Siegebreaker

Endless Siege - Endless Siege causes Hammer of Sol hammers to create additional sunspots on impact. On top of this, Your Titan will throw hammers at a faster pace while in a sunspot. This ability allows you to create more advantageous positions on the battlefield with your hammer, letting you be a little more mobile, while reaping all the buffs you get from standing in sunspots.

Sun Warrior - While standing in sunspots, your Sunbreaker Titan's abilities recharge faster, and when active, your Hammer of Sol super will last longer, meaning you can throw more hammers.


Hitting L1 (LB on Xbox one, Q on PC) throws your grenade. The Sunbreaker's grenades are, unsurprisingly, focused on causing burn damage.

Fusion Grenade

It's not the most exciting grenade of the bunch, but these explosive grenades cause bonus damage when attached to enemies. They have some light tracking, so put in the effort to make sure that enemy stays down. Fusion Grenades are also useful for making the most of the passive grenade buffs.

Thermite Grenade

This grenade that sends forward a burning line of fire forward, and whose flames will cause damage over time for anyone that sits in it. This is useful if you find a substantial group of enemies in PVE, especially during indoor fights with tight corridors.

Incendiary Grenade

The Incendiary grenade, as its name suggests, sets enemies on fire with its explosion, causing damage over time and weakening them for any follow-up attacks.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Fire-Forged

Tempered Metal - With tempered metal enabled, any kills made with solar abilities (grenades, melee abilities, and your super) speed up reload and movement speeds for you and any nearby allies.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Siegebreaker

Sol Invictus - Solar-based skills with Sun Warrior equipped will restore your health. Kills made with grenades and melee abilities will create sunspots, which are vital tools for the following traits in this tree.

Sun Warrior - While standing in sunspots, your Sunbreaker Titan's abilities recharge faster, and when active, your Hammer of Sol super will last longer, meaning you can throw more hammers.


Hit R1 (RB on Xbox One, E on PC) to punch.

In Destiny 2, melee attacks can trigger a special melee ability after a period of cooldown. Each passive trait path offers the different kinds of buffs to your punches.

Code of the Fire-Forged

Hammer Strike - Much like the Striker's Shoulder Charge, this ability allows you to, while sprinting, smack an enemy with your hammer causing area-of-effect burn damage.

Tempered Metal - With tempered metal enabled, any kills made with solar abilities (grenades, melee abilities, and your super) speed up reload and movement speeds for you and any nearby allies.

Code of the Siegebreaker

Mortar Blast - Punching an enemy with Mortar Blast unlocked causes them to explode with Solar energy, setting nearby enemies on fire.

Sol Invictus - Solar-based skills with Sun Warrior equipped will restore your health. Kills made with grenades and melee abilities will create sunspots, which are vital tools for the following traits in this tree.

Sun Warrior - While standing in sunspots, your Sunbreaker Titan's abilities recharge faster, and when active, your Hammer of Sol super will last longer, meaning you can throw more hammers.

Passive Traits

Though we've already addressed some the perks in previous sections, here they are all together, as one.

Code of the Fire-Forged

Hammer Strike - Much like the Striker's Shoulder Charge, this ability allows you to, while sprinting, smack an enemy with your hammer causing area-of-effect burn damage.

Tempered Metal - With tempered metal enabled, any kills made with solar abilities (grenades, melee abilities, and your super) speed up reload and movement speeds for you and any nearby

Explosive Pyre - This trait upgrades your Hammer of Sol super to explode on enemy impact, creating area-of-effect damage which can cause additional triggers of Tempered Metal.

Vulcan's Rage - This trait further upgrades your Hammer of Sol super to cause thrown hammers to shatter into explosive molten embers on impact. As you can imagine, under optimal circumstances these embers and kill additional enemies, cause more explosions, and trigger more instances of Tempered Metal.

Code of the Siegebreaker

Mortar Blast - Punching an enemy with Mortar Blast unlocked causes them to explode with Solar energy, setting nearby enemies on fire.

Sol Invictus - Solar-based skills with Sun Warrior equipped will restore your health. Kills made with grenades and melee abilities will create sunspots, which are vital tools for the following traits in this tree.

Sun Warrior - While standing in sunspots, your Sunbreaker Titan's abilities recharge faster, and when active, your Hammer of Sol super will last longer, meaning you can throw more hammers.

Endless Siege - Solar Siege causes Hammer of Sol hammers to create additional sunspots on impact. On top of this, Your Titan will throw hammers at a faster pace while in a sunspot. This ability allows you to create more advantageous positions on the battlefield with your hammer, letting you be a bit more mobile, while still reaping all the buffs you get from sunspots.

Class Ability

New to Destiny 2 are class abilities which gives Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans a unique skill to perform in addition to their special grenade and melee abilities. To use them, press and hold the Circle Button (B on Xbox One, V on PC).

Titans have the incredibly handy ability to generate cover out of thin air like the burly space magicians they are. This means if you're caught out in the open, or want to push forward, you can throw down some cover to help fortify your position. You have two options:

Rally Barricade - This creates a small, chest-high wall that you and your team can crouch behind for cover, meaning you can peek over it while aiming down sights.

It also has the incredibly powerful ability to instantly reload your equipped weapon once you pop back behind it, making it invaluable if you or your team have weapons that take a long time to reload.

Towering Barricade - This creates a larger wall that doesn't let you peek from behind it or instantly reload your weapons, but is much larger and better-equipped to shield you and your fireteam from damage. Towering Barricade is useful in situations where you might be going against enemies that deal large amounts of splash damage. Think of this as a directional Ward of Dawn.


Titans sport jetpacks which allow them to perform, steady, prolonged double-jumps to reach great heights. This arguably allows them to make more precise landings when moving vertically compared to the other classes, whose jumps are faster and more floaty. Sentinel jump options are as follows:

High Lift - Your standard jetpack lift, High Lift gives you the most vertical movement of all the jumps, so if you're trying to reach a high platform, High Lift will give you the easiest time.

Strafe Lift - Strafe jump doesn't quite reach the same heights as High Life, but gives you much greater directional control for horizontal movement. This one's incredible useful if you like to shoot enemies from the air, since it makes you a harder target to hit.

Catapult Lift - Catapult jump is unique in that it gives you a burst of momentum when you activate it. This one's useful for moving around the battlefield quickly, since you spend less time in the air, and are less of a target.

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