Destiny 2: All The Titan Striker Skills Friv 0

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All The Titan Striker Skills

Do you love the crackle of Arc electricity in the morning? Maybe you like pounding the ground, tackling into things, and pretending nothing can hurt you. The returning Titan Striker subclass will make you feel all these things and more.

In Destiny 2, the passive paths for the Striker can help you fortify yourself as an effective all-round soldier, or help you excel at dishing out huge amounts of lingering area of effect damage by amplifying your Fist of Havoc super and grenades.

To gain access to the Striker subclass, you'll need the Battered Gauntlet relic, which can be randomly found in region chests. Once you have it, you'll need to charge it by killing enemies and participating in Public Events. Public Events occur on a timer, but their locations can be found on your map. Once you're done with that task, you'll unlock a Shard of the Traveller mission back on Earth. Upon completion, you'll unlock the ability to use the Striker subclass. Easy.

For more information on other Titan subclasses follow the links below:

For even more Destiny content, we have a full roundup of our review and all our guide content here.

Super Ability: Fists of Havoc

Fist of Havoc has evolved from its Destiny 1 iteration.

Pressing L1 + R1 (LB + RB on Xbox One, F on PC) when your Super Meter charges you up with electricity and gives you two options:

R1 (RB on Xbox One, C on PC) - A shoulder charge attack. This will track lightly towards the nearest enemy and is great for taking out lone targets while using less meter than the ground pound.

R2 (RT on Xbox One, LMB on PC) - The signature Fist of Havoc ground pound that does area-of-effect damage and consumes a little bit of your super meter. One important thing to note is that your first ground pound with happen immediately upon activating your super, so be in a place that matters. Every subsequent ground pound will consume meter.

Code of the Juggernaut

Trample - This allows your Fist of Havoc to recharge slightly when you kill enemies with it. This means if you're faced with numerous enemies in PVE, try and catch groups with your ground pound to make the most of that super meter.

Code of the Earthshaker

Terminal Velocity - This causes Fist of Havoc to leave a large, damage-dealing field every time you slam the ground, and also means that ground pounds deal more damage the longer they're in the air. Having this perk means you should try and use your jetpack jump to get some air before attacking with ground pound. If you're playing on a map where you know you can get a height advantage, this can be a devastating and hilarious surprise.


Hitting L1 (LB on Xbox one, Q on PC) throws your grenade. The Striker's grenade options help boost their area-of-effect arsenal.

Flashbang Grenade

Just like the name suggests, this is an explosive grenade that disorients enemies upon detonation, meaning PVE enemies won't attack you, and PVP enemies will be blinded.

Pulse Grenade

This is a grenade that, once detonated, periodically emits energy pulses that damage enemies within its radius. This is a great tool to use on chokepoints, as well as less mobile enemy with larger health pools in PVE.

Lightning Grenade

A godsend in PVP capture maps, this stick grenade sticks to any surface and then periodically pulses a large bursts of lightning that damages enemies. Lightning grenades are at their most effective when attached to walls, where the pulses can shoot horizontally into an area. Perfect for making an area hazardous for enemies to linger in or pass through.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Earthshaker

Aftershocks - This skill helpfully lowers your grenade cooldown after hitting enemies with your Seismic Strike ability. Getting a nice flow with your abilities going is made easier with this perk.

Magnitude - This trait both gives you an additional grenade to throw, and increases the duration of Pulse Grenades and Lightning Grenades, meaning their lingering damage effects will last even longer that usual.


Hit R1 (RB on Xbox One, E on PC) to punch.

In Destiny 2, melee attacks can trigger a special melee ability after a period of cooldown. Titans have simple tastes, and enjoy punching things with purpose. If you're a Titan Striker, punching things will let you last longer in the battlefield, and helps you kill things more effectively. Each passive path offers different buffs to your punches.

Code of the Juggernaut

Frontal Assault - This trait boosts your weapon stability after a punch, meaning your subsequent shots will have less recoil.

Reversal - Upon a melee kill, your character's natural health regeneration will activate, instead of requiring you to wait for a set period. This is best used towards the end of a battle, since taking more damage is counterproductive to the effects of this trait.

Knockout - With this trait, breaking the shield of your enemies or critically wounding them increases your melee range. This makes the option of finishing off your enemy with a punch (and triggering the above effects) that much easier.

Code of the Earthshaker

Seismic Strike - This fun-as-hell trait gives you the ability to ram into your enemies after sprinting for a short time and deal explosive AOE damage. There's a visual tell letting you know when you can activate sprint. This charge has some light homing to help you make contact, and serves as a great opener for PVP.

Passive Traits

Though we've already addressed some the perks in previous sections, here they are all together, as one.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Juggernaut

This is the path you want to take if you're more focussed on enhancing your survivability and ability to get amongst the action.

Frontal Assault - This trait boosts your weapon stability after a punch, meaning your subsequent shots will have less recoil.

Reversal - Upon a melee kill, your character's natural health regeneration will activate, instead of requiring you to wait for a set period. This is best used towards the end of a battle, since taking more damage is counterproductive to the effects of this trait.

Knockout - With this trait, breaking the shield of your enemies or critically wounding them increases your melee range. This makes the option of finishing off your enemy with a punch (and triggering the above effects) that much easier.

Trample - This allows your Fist of Havoc to recharge slightly when you kill enemies with it. This means if you're faced with numerous enemies in PVE, try and catch groups with your ground pound to make the most of that super meter.

Passive Buffs: Code of the Earthshaker

If you want to make the most of the Striker's capacity for area-of-effect damage, the Code of the Earthshaker is what you want to live by.

Seismic Strike - This fun-as-hell trait gives you the ability to ram into your enemies after sprinting for a short time and deal explosive AOE damage. There's a visual tell letting you know when you can activate sprint. This charge has some light homing to help you make contact, and serves as a great opener for PVP.

Aftershocks - This skill helpfully lowers your grenade cooldown after hitting enemies with your Seismic Strike ability. Getting a nice flow with your abilities going is made easier with this perk.

Magnitude - This trait both gives you an additional grenade to throw, and increases the duration of Pulse Grenades and Lightning Grenades meaning their lingering damage effects will last even longer that usual.

Terminal Velocity - This causes Fist of Havoc to leave a large, damage-dealing field every time you slam the ground, and also means that ground pounds deal more damage the longer they're in the air. Having this perk means you should try and use your jetpack jump to get some air before attacking with ground pound. If you're playing on a map where you know you can get a height advantage, this can be a devastating and hilarious surprise.

Class Ability

New to Destiny 2 are class abilities which give Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans a unique skill to perform in addition to their special grenade and melee abilities. To use them, press and hold the Circle Button (B on Xbox One, V on PC).

No matter which subclass you pick, Titans have the incredibly handy ability to generate cover out of thin air like the burly space magicians they are. This means if you're caught out in the open or want to push forward, you can throw down some cover to help fortify your position. You have two options:

Rally Barricade - This creates a small, chest-high wall that you and your team can crouch behind for cover, meaning you can peek over it while aiming down sights.

It also has the incredibly powerful ability to instantly reload your equipped weapon once you pop back behind it, making it invaluable if you or your team have weapons that take a long time to reload.

Towering Barricade - This creates a larger wall that doesn't let you peek from behind it or instantly reload your weapons, but is much larger and better-equipped to shield you and your fireteam from damage. Towering Barricade is useful in situations where you might be going against enemies that deal large amounts of splash damage. Think of this as a directional Ward of Dawn.


Titans sport jetpacks which allow them to perform steady, prolonged double-jumps to reach great heights. This arguably allows them to make more precise landings when moving vertically compared to the other classes, whose jumps are faster and more floaty. Sentinel jump options are as follows:

High Lift - Your standard jetpack lift, High Lift gives you the most vertical movement of all the jumps, so if you're trying to reach a high platform, High Lift will give you the easiest time.

Strafe Lift - Strafe jump doesn't quite reach the same heights as High Life, but gives you much greater directional control for horizontal movement. This one's incredible useful if you like to shoot enemies from the air, since it makes you a harder target to hit.

Catapult Lift - Catapult jump is unique in that it gives you a burst of momentum when you activate it. This one's useful for moving around the battlefield quickly, since you spend less time in the air, and are less of a target.

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