Know Your Techniques

Moving, taking cover, and flanking enemies are the basics of strategy game Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. To be a really effective defender of the Mushroom Kingdom, you need to make use of your team's many special skills, which are called Techniques.
Techniques are unique abilities employed by each of the eight characters you find throughout Mario + Rabbids. They're great for linking attacks together, supporting different characters, and executing strategies to get you through the toughest battles in the game. Here's everything you need to know about Techniques in Mario + Rabbids, including what they're good for and how they can work together.
For more Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle tips and guides, including beginners' tips and a full guide to all playable characters, make sure to check out all of our other hints for this challenging strategy game.
Mario's Techniques: Hero Vision

Mario's main Technique is a reaction shot called Hero Vision. Turn it on and he'll fire away at any enemy that moves in his range, guaranteeing a hit. You can upgrade Hero Vision to get two shots out of the Technique, and tweak it to deal more damage.
Hero Vision works well in almost any situation and pairs well with any techniques that cause enemies to move, as well as with weapon Super effects like Bounce or Push. It's also good for taking down big enemies like Smashers before they can close the distance and kill your characters. Be careful of unintended consequences, though: Mario will shoot at the first enemy that moves, so make sure you know which enemies will move first before you set Hero Vision, or you might find yourself wasting shots.
Mario's Techniques: M-Power

Mario's team-based Technique, M-Power, increases his weapon damage, as well as that of any allies in range. It's a pretty straightforward ability, and you can increase its range and how much it amps your weapons, but the bottom line is, M-Power is great for shutting down dangerous enemies before they have a chance to do lasting damage. Paired with Techniques like Luigi's Steely Stare, you can dish out a lot of punishment all at once, usually in clutch situations.
Rabbid Peach's Techniques: Shield

A simple, damage-reducing shield is Rabbid Peach's first Technique, which is great for drawing fire away from other teammates. When upgraded, it can reduce incoming fire's impact pretty significantly, although it doesn't stop status effects like Honey or Burn. It's great when used to defuse the reaction shots of enemies, and it can also be handy when sending Rabbid Peach to the front line so she can utilize her movement abilities to kick multiple bad guys in a single turn.
Rabbid Peach's Techniques: Heal

Another pretty self-explanatory power, Heal restores missing health for everyone within range. Rabbid Peach is the only character with a solid, simple heal that just restores allies' health, which makes her extremely helpful in tense situations. It pairs well with the tank-like bruiser qualities of Rabbid Mario and Princess Peach, allowing them to take even more punishment when they push up and take on multiple enemies at once.
Rabbid Luigi's Techniques: Super Barrier

Rabid Luigi is all about dishing out and absorbing status effects. Super Barrier is a shield that reduces some incoming damage but is especially useful for protecting him from those annoying status effects that come from critical hits. With enemies like Bucklers, who can fire off status effects 100 percent of the time, Rabbid Luigi can take some of their punishment without suffering debilitating effects like losing an attack to Ink or getting stuck to the ground thanks to Honey. When you need to guarantee other characters are unaffected, use Super Barrier to make Rabbid Luigi a better target.
Rabbid Luigi's Techniques: Super Barrier

The second Technique in Rabbid Luigi's repertoire is Weaken, which zaps the attack power of enemies in range. You can pump it up to weaken attacks pretty considerably, which is extremely useful in levels that are full of high-damage enemies like Smashers, or when things get out of hand in a battle and you find your characters stuck out of cover and facing impending doom. Weaken pairs well with abilities like Rabbid Mario's Magnetic Dance, which can draw enemies out of cover and make them vulnerable. However, use caution: it can also put enemies in a good position to counter-attack on their next turn.
Luigi's Techniques: Steely Stare

Like Mario, Luigi packs a reaction shot Technique called Steely Stare that allows him to fire at any enemy in range who moves. It does less damage than his regular shot, but you can upgrade it so Luigi fires as many as three different times. That's great for taking down enemies like Smashers who charge every time they're hit, or for dealing high damage to bosses. Other Techniques that force enemies to move pair well with Steely Stare, allowing you to potentially knock out multiple enemies in one go.
Luigi's Techniques: Itchy Feet

Luigi's a pretty weak character health-wise, so keeping him away from enemies is essential to success. Itchy Feet allows you to increase the movement range of allies within the area when he uses it, which is great for giving your team a better chance at getting to cover in a dire situation. It's also handy for boosting your Rabbids' ability to use movement attacks, increasing the number of enemies they can reach in a single run.
Rabbid Mario's Techniques: Bodyguard

Rabbid Mario is built to be a front-line fighter who can take down multiple enemies in a single blow, but he needs to be close to do it. Bodyguard is a shield that primarily protects him from movement damage, since Rabbid enemies love to use their proximity to get in a slide tackle as well as a full attack. It's very useful when you have to leave Rabbid Mario in danger after an attack.
Rabbid Mario's Techniques: Magnet Dance

Since he needs to be close to do any damage at all, Rabbid Mario's second Technique is Magnet Dance. It draws any enemies in the affected area toward Rabbid Mario, which pulls them out of cover and gives him a chance to hit them with his devastating Boomshot shotgun. Magnet Dance is one of those abilities that goes great with Hero Vision or Steely Stare, and it also works well when you have a teammate who can do a lot of movement damage or area damage, since it tends to cause enemies to gather close together. It does have the effect of leaving Rabbid Mario in danger, though, so you might want to use it at the beginning of your turn so he can escape by the end.
Princess Peach's Techniques: Princess Gaze

Peach has some light healing powers thanks to her healing Team Jump capability, but she's primarily about absorbing and dishing out large amounts of damage. Princess Gaze is a reaction shot that gives her a second blast of her powerful Boomshot weapon, and like all reaction shots, it's great with other techniques that get enemies moving. Since her gun deals heavy damage, you can also use it to blast away at bosses whenever possible.
Princess Peach's Techniques: Princess Gaze

Princess Peach's second Technique, Protection, takes advantage of her large amount of health to help keep other characters in the thick of battle from getting too thrashed. Any allies in the area of effect are shielded, sharing the damage they receive with Peach. It means Peach gets hurt more often, but other allies get hurt less, which is great if you can get Peach to strong cover while other people get in close and mop up. Paired with Rabbid Peach's healing abilities, you can turn several characters into one big tank.
Rabbid Yoshi's Techniques: Outer Shell

Another defensive ability, Rabbid Yoshi's first Technique is a powerful shield that reduces incoming damage by more than half. You can upgrade its damage reduction even more, but unlike Rabbid Peach's shield, Outer Shell can only absorb one attack before it gives out. Upgrade it and it can take two, making it a perfect ability to use when you need a character to draw a big attack away from more vulnerable teammates.
Rabbid Yoshi's Techniques: Scaredy Rabbit

Rabbid Yoshi's second Technique does the opposite of Rabbid Mario's Magnet Dance; instead of drawing enemies to Rabbid Yoshi, it scares them away. It's another great one to combo off of a reaction shot or to push enemies out of cover so they can get blasted.But even if you just need some breathing room, Scaredy Rabbid is often enough to keep away powerful enemies that can otherwise get in close and do serious damage to your team.
Yoshi's Techniques: Egg Beater

Like the rest of the characters from Mario games, Yoshi gets a reaction shot of his own. What sets it apart is that it does more than his usual amount of damage, and it can be upgraded to be even more powerful. It only gets one shot, though, so it's useful in different ways from Mario's Hero Stare or Luigi's Steely Gaze.
Yoshi's Techniques: Super Chance

Yoshi's team-boosting Technique, Super Chance, guarantees that his and his nearby teammates' weapons inflict their status-affecting Supers, which usually only have a small chance of happening on any attack. It's great when you need to deal with troublesome enemies by hitting them with something like Stone to stop their turn, Honey to keep them from moving, Bounce to move them around the battlefield, or Ink to prevent their attacks. Paired with the right weapons, you can dish out extra damage thanks to the status effects and trigger other Techniques like reaction shots.
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