The Office Superfan Episodes: The Best New Gags, Scenes, And Storylines On Peacock Friv 0

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The Office has left Netflix, but its new home Peacock has provided a brand new spin on the binge watch classic.

The Office may have left Netflix and caused some upheaval in your streaming service arrangement, but if you're as addicted as we are, you've probably already caved for a subscription to its new home: Peacock.

While, yes, adding yet another service to the list may be annoying for some obvious reasons, the nice thing about Peacock is its wealth of bonus material. Not only does it have every season of The Office proper, it also has a special new version called The Office: Superfan Episodes which feature all sorts of extra material that never made it to air and also never made it to Netflix.

Right now, the Superfan Episodes only include the third season, but the service has plans to roll out more seasons with even more extra content down the line, with Season 4's Superfan cuts being added to the roster in March. That gives you a couple of months to prepare and get through the extended edition of Season 3 in the meantime--and, to make it easier, we've created a massive list of our favorite bonus moments from the show. These include everything from completely new plotlines that never made it to air (seriously, something's going on with Bob Vance in these episodes and it's super creepy) to new gags that probably would have been classics had they been available anywhere but DVD box sets until now.

Check out our favorite 60 (yes, 60) new Office Season 3 moments below and share your favorites in the comments. .

1. Jan's investment in Michael (Episode 1)

Jan was apparently having Michael read The Wall Street Journal and having him give her a list of goals each and every day at the start of Season 3, rather than just having Pam spy on him--these check-in calls only last for the first episode, though, so we can assume the idea got cut for that reason.

2. Working mother problems (Episode 1)

Hannah's struggle as a working mother didn't start in the original cuts until after the merger with Scranton, but in this episode she's introduced in Stamford. Later, after the merger, Hannah's baby comes to the office more frequently as well which makes the fact that she eventually quits and files a complaint about being a working mother make a bit more sense.

3. Jim gets pranked (Episode 1)

Jim almost got pulled into the Assistant to the Regional Manager trap and became Stamford's very own Dwight, complete with pranks by Karen and Josh. Unfortunately, this idea only lasts for this single scene--probably why it didn't make it to air in the final version.

4. Michael knew Oscar was gay (Episode 1)

Oscar's sexuality wasn't actually a surprise to Michael, who was told at Oscar's interview--apparently, that's why Oscar was hired. Michael thought it was a joke. He seems to have entirely forgotten about this, though, so this talking head segment never made it to air.

5. Dwight and Josh (Episode 2)

Dwight wants to find some dirt on Josh to make Michael feel better, which for Dwight, means asking Josh if he's ever committed a crime--ironically, this backfires when Dwight learns that Josh used to be in the Coast Guard, which he thinks is really cool. Later, we see that Dwight's gone from thinking Josh is the enemy to having some full-on hero-worship of him--he even wants to know if they grew beets in the military. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, depending on your perspective), the answer is no.

6. Dwight and Angela's aftermath (Episode 2)

In the original cut, Jim's discovery of Angela in Dwight's hotel room ends after he mistakes her for a "hooker," but in the extended cuts we hear Dwight going to check on her--apparently she locked herself in the closet and waited for rescue.

7. Creed's living in the office (Episode 3)

Creed's bizarre living situation just keeps getting weirder. He lives in the office building for four days a week, apparently, sleeping under his desk, and then lives the rest of the week in Toronto on welfare where they don't know about his Dunder Mifflin gig. This isn't a secret to some of his coworkers--Dwight suggests they charge him rent.

8. Pam is faking calls from Jan (Episode 3)

Apparently one of Michael's hobbies around the office is to recap tv shows and movies to a captive Pam, who has started faking calls from Jan to get out of it--this moment gets a lot funnier when you think about the moments in later seasons where Michael encourages Pam to tell him he has imaginary calls coming in during meetings.

9. Scott is not a hard name to rhyme (Episode 3)

Oh, Dr. Crentist the dentist, you may have not existed at all but your legacy lives on in our hearts. Here, Michael tries to give his own name a similar rhyming scheme but--well, it just doesn't have the same magic.

10. Creed knows about Angela and Dwight (Episode 3)

Angela and Dwight's secret is kept mostly under wraps from the office at large for the early seasons of the show--but Creed knows, apparently. He probably knew before anyone else. Shockingly, he keeps his mouth shut for the entire show--though even if he did speak up, it's doubtful anyone would have believed him.

11. Dwight's parking space power rankings (Episode 3)

In his very, very brief (and fake) stint as acting regional manager, Dwight assigned everyone parking spots based on a "power ranking." Pam was seventh. The top six are a mystery.

12. Bob Vance is going to set Phyllis up (Episode 3)

One of the weirdest (and best) additions to these cuts is the Bob Vance subplot. The first hint is here, with Phyllis explaining that Bob has plans for her to work in a tax-evading position at Vance Refrigeration where she'll be "Mrs. Bob Vance, the first lady" of the company.

13. Josh vs. Karen (Episode 4)

Josh's development puts both he and Jim in a whole new light--Josh doesn't trust Karen and wants Jim to keep an eye on her. This is definitely foreshadowing for Josh's eventual heel turn that winds up saving the Scranton branch.

14. Kevin's horrible feet (Episode 6)

Fans of the later episode featuring Jim and Pam's wedding will recognize this scene as a sort of retroactive Easter Egg. Kevin claims he has "hyperhidrosis" and that his feet "don't stink," which is untrue--his shoes were so toxic at the wedding the hotel had to throw them out. .

15. Angela vs. Kelly (Episode 6)

Angela's xenophobia is a regular feature on the show but in this bonus scene we see that her distrust of Kelly is specifically because she thinks Dwight is too interested in her. Dwight's fascination with Indian culture never comes up in the show again, so it's not surprising that this beat got cut.

16. Angela's party in hell (Episode 6)

Angela gets a talking head during the Diwali celebration where she explains that, as the head of the party planning committee, she would attend a party thrown by Dunder Mifflin even if it were held in hell--though she wouldn't enjoy herself, obviously.

17. Pam's Diwali flirting (Episode 6)

Pam starts flirting with the doctor Kelly's parents are trying to set her up with--just in time for Roy to walk into the party and see them dancing together. Whoops. Ironically, Roy never mentions this to Pam, which is a bit out of character considering his explosive jealousy is what eventually gets him fired.

18. Angela and Dwight's Diwali hook-up (Episode 6)

The thread about Dwight being interested in Indian culture wraps up with a confrontation between he and Angela where he explains that he just likes the culture for the six-armed monster gods and then surreptitiously organizes a hook-up with her--though the second he leaves to get his shoes Angela takes a moment to scold Ryan and Kelly for making out in public.

19. Phyllis's Job at Vance Refrigeration (Episode 7)

The Vance crime family plot just keeps getting weirder--apparently he's offered Phyllis a job where she doesn't have to do anything, gets paid in cash under the table, and knows it sounds illegal but is kind of into it regardless. Unfortunately for her, the branch doesn't end up closing so we never get to see Phyllis turn toward a life of white collar crime.

20. Michael and Dwight's skits (Episode 7)

Saving the branch by visiting David Wallace's home required some improv on Michael and Dwight's part--including Dwight trying to "play" Wallace for Michael to practice his argument. The extended cut gives us even more scenarios--and improv exercises between the two of them. In later seasons, Michael's improv classes become a huge point of contention between him and Jan.

21. Jim meeting accounting, again (Episode 8)

Kevin lets Jim know that he's keeping a stash of hidden M&Ms under his desk from everyone who transferred from Stamford and Angela lets him know he needs a haircut--which, to be fair, he kind of does. But Kevin likes it. It's actually one of the only times we see Jim interacting with Accounting directly and not in a group or meeting setting.

22. Janet Fenstermaker (Episode 8)

Pam makes up a new identity for Merideth as Jim gets reacquainted with the office--and also explains that Creed Bratton has four toes and fought in the Civil War, which might actually be true considering Creed's whole deal. Pam says that he was a mercenary and just fought for whoever paid the best.

23. The Penguin (Episode 8)

Andy's nicknaming conventions get turned around on him by Kevin who dubs him "The Penguin" because of a penguin on his shirt -- unfortunately it doesn't last, unlike Andy's Big Tuna name for Jim that lasts for the entire show.

24. Michael's magic act (Episode 8)

We've heard about Michael spending company money on magic supplies (he also went to magic camp) but we rarely see it in action--until this episode where he breaks out a novelty giant card deck and makes a (terrible) metaphor about being a king of hearts. Don't worry, no one else seemed to understand what it was about either.

25. Dwight and Angela think Martin is a murderer (Episode 9)

Both Dwight and Angela spin themselves a little conspiracy theory about ex-con Martin, who was put in jail for insider trading. They think he's lying and that he actually committed manslaughter which Dwight believes means he "slaughtered a man." It gets so bad that Angela thinks he's going to murder Meredith when she asks for a ride.

26. Dwight's Roswell vacation (Episode 10)

In a brief talking head segment Dwight says that he's only taken one vacation in his life--to Roswell, New Mexico--where Jim had his desk shipped to him.

27. Michael's Jamaican attitude (Episode 12)

Unsurprisingly, there was a lot more to Michael's pitch for an "inventory luau" than what made it to air. He bought gifts for everyone in the office, including a coconut bra for Pam and a Bob Marley shirt for Andy that he thought was Milli Vanilli--he also gives an entire monologue about how the key to good management is living life like they do in (his incredibly skewed) idea of Jamaica, complete with paragliding and SCUBA diving metaphors that don't really work.

28. The Jan debate (Episode 12)

In this cut there's actually a bit more confusion after Michael accidentally leaks the photo of him and Jan--the strongest case is made by Ryan who says that he doesn't know if he believes it because Michael is way into Photoshop. He has a picture Michael made of the two of them "in Egypt" as proof.

29. Phyllis and Stanley aren't friends (Episode 12)

Phyllis and Stanley get a considerable amount of bonus screen time in these episodes which spins their friendship in an entirely new light--the two are sniping at each other constantly and, according to Phyllis, she doesn't even like him.

30. The Spidey principals (Episode 12)

Dwight's love for things like Lord of the Rings and X-Men (he went to a special "X-Men school" after all) are well known in the show but other comic book nods are fewer and harder to come by. In this brief segment he explains that he actually drew up a list of "Spidey principals" for Michael to help him live his life the way Peter Parker might--and Michael didn't follow them, which ended with Jan's inappropriate picture getting sent out to everyone in the company.

31. Arizona was beautiful (Episode 12)

Jan dealing with the photo's aftermath on her own is something we didn't see in the final version of these episodes--but it definitely helps bolster the case David Wallace makes for her eventual termination. In this scene she lies directly to a coworker's face about being in Scottsdale. She also tries to make up an excuse for her tan--obviously this is all before she learns about the email.

32. Use sunscreen (Episode 12)

Alas, poor Kevin--his brief skin cancer scare on Michael's birthday is never brought up again in the cuts of the show that aired, but here we see that he was actually worried for Jan in her topless photo because it changed his perspective on wearing sunscreen. It's so distracting for him that he can't even be turned on looking at it--which, admittedly is very gross, but by Kevin's standards, also kind of sweet.

33. Meredith, trapped (Episode 12)

During the Inventory luau, Meredith has a shelf collapse on her--she remains there for the entire night. Kate Flannery even had to record some audio last year for the scene that was never completed during the final edit on the show.

34. Creed's cleaned out the warehouse (Episode 12)

Creed explains that he's had buddies of his completely ransack the warehouse--which made for "a very good year," for him. They apparently blamed it on some kid who lost his job for it--which isn't surprising, considering the whole Debbie Brown water mark conundrum where Creed gets someone at the paper mill fired for one of his mistakes.

35. Baby mama drama (Episode 15)

Phyllis, in the most off-handed way possible, tells Pam that she doesn't want anymore drama at her wedding because there's already going to be "baby mama drama." Bob's "other family" is coming in from Ho Chi Minh City. Apparently the whole Vance crime family thread goes much deeper than anyone could have anticipated--also, what does this even mean? How is Bob Vance so creepy?

36. More ruined wedding traditions (Episode 16)

Michael accidentally breaks wedding tradition for Phyllis and Bob by letting Bob see Phyllis in her dress before the ceremony--which winds up turning into an extension of the episode's weirdest fart joke.

37. Borrowed ideas (Episode 16)

Pam already knows that Phyllis and Bob stole her entire wedding, down to her dress and the invitations--"P&R" can stand for Phyllis and Robert and Pam and Roy, after all--but we actually get a moment where Phyllis tries to come (sort of) clean, admitting that she and Bob stole Pam's idea for the "after dinner mints" Pam and Roy had planned. Unsurprisingly, it turns into a whole passive aggressive thing.

38. Angela and the vet (Episode 16)

Angela actually has Phyllis and Bob's vet--who, weirdly, focuses mostly on "animal spirituality"--try and make a move on her at the wedding. Imagine all the drama we could have circumvented if this whole interaction had actually gone well and put Angela in a relationship that wasn't a complete trainwreck.

39. Michael wants to retroactively object to the wedding (Episode 16)

After getting kicked out of the wedding, Michael tries to convince the priest to allow him to object--you know, hours after the ceremony. It's "the lord's work," according to him.

40. Michael's "wisdoms" (Episode 17)

In preparation for visiting Ryan in business school, Michael has Jim bring him some cliff notes-style business textbooks and also uncovers his own "diary" he's kept of all his sales. There's a chapter called "wisdoms" which includes poignant bits of advice like "don't do what I say, say what I do" and "mistakes are just successes that you mess up."

41. Stanley's six weeks of paradise (Episode 17)

More on the development that Phyllis and Stanley don't actually like each other--Stanley calls Phyllis's six week honeymoon "paradise" for him. Also he's using her desk for all his files--and Creed's planning on "waiting" (read: sitting there, doing nothing else) until she comes back.

42. The extended lecture (Episode 17)

Michael's "lecture" at Ryan's business school goes on for much, much longer than it did in the regular cut--including even more bizarre, cringe-y condescension and just horrible business advice. "Business is all about buying and selling, is it not? So say you want to sell lemonade or stickers."

43. Drew (Episode 20)

This cut of episode 20 carries Andy's half-hearted attempt to rebrand himself as Drew way, way further than it went in the version that aired--it actually almost catches on! He even uses a post-it note to modify his name tag. Unfortunately, Angela also keys his new car and the cookies he tries to bake are horrible.

44. Bob Vance's calls (Episode 20)

During the day's betting extravaganza, Karen and Stanley have a private bet about the number of times Bob Vance is going to call Phyllis at work--Stanley wins when the count goes over three times in ten minutes. Seriously, what is going on with Bob Vance?

45. Talking Michael down (Episode 20)

Everyone gets a turn to try and talk Michael out of his fake suicide attempt "safety" demonstration--including Kelly who tells him he has a "cute butt" and Andy who uses some very backwards anger management logic that almost gets Michael to actually jump. Whoops. Grab a comet, kiss the moon.

46. Customer service training (Episode 21)

Kelly's training of the accounting department to run interference on customer service gets extended in this version, which builds on the rivalry between Angela and Kelly from back in the Diwali episode.

47. Creed's obituary (Episode 21)

The reporter Michael calls in to cover their PR debacle recognizes Creed as the singer for a band from the '60s--but the reason he knows this is because he wrote Creed's obituary. Creed then explains that he once faked his own death for tax purposes and has since been collecting benefits as his own widow.

48. Andy's high school girlfriend (Episode 21)

Andy (very unnecessarily) expands on the origin story between he and his high school "girlfriend" by saying he met her when he was eating a chicken pot pie in the parking lot of a 7/11 for dinner when she came up and asked him to buy her and her friends wine coolers. You know, a totally normal interaction to have.

49. Other apologies (Episode 21)

Michael's apology videos extend far past the issue with the watermark--he even made one for his mom when he forgot her birthday. Pam ran the camera on that one too, of course. Unfortunately, he also had to make one for his condo association after swimming in the nude. We even get to see the full apology video for the water mark later in the episode--"accidents happen, even to the best of us."

50. Even more Bob (Episode 21)

OK, so this scene isn't much compared to the others on this list, but we're kind of obsessed with the bonus Bob Vance in these cuts so getting to see him show up to comfort Phyllis after she was flashed in the parking lot--in what is admittedly a semi-creepy way--is getting a shout out.

51. Andy's scheme (Episode 22)

Both borscht and gazpacho are dishes best served cold, according to Andy, who plans to try and "win Dwight over" post-anger management. It's a pretty far cry from his goal of taking him down and getting him fired so he can be Michael's number two in the office. He later clarifies that he's not in it for friendship--he plans on "dominating," which he knows a thing or two about because he lived with a dominatrix for three years. Jeez.

52. The classic gang (Episode 23)

Michael's shorthand for the original seasons 1 and 2 Scranton team is "the classic gang" which, awkwardly, doesn't include Karen and Andy--so now whenever he wants to do something with "the classic gang" he has to stipulate the other two are also invited. Toby is not included in the classic gang, naturally.

53. The 800 hot dogs (Episode 23)

Turns out Pam really did grill up all of the hot dogs Michael requested at the last minute, while also giving him a rundown of everyone's beach day "points." Unsurprisingly, the results are mostly nonsensical since Pam doesn't know what she's even trying to calculate and Michael won't tell her.

54. Tuna vs Tuna Salad (Episode 23)

Jim and Karen don't participate in the hot dog eating contest and, instead, sit off to the side trying to eat "the most normal amount of tuna salad." This is, of course, because they're both going to apply for the corporate job Michael thinks he already has, so they don't need to compete in the games he's forcing on everyone.

55. Ryan replaces Andy (Episode 23)

Ryan shows some initiative and tries to make a case for being a team captain with Andy out of the picture, which foreshadows his eventual reveal in Season 4 as the person who actually does get the corporate position rather than Michael, Karen, or Jim.

56. New York real estate (Episode 24)

Michael takes his hypothetical move to NYC very seriously. After selling his condo "on ebay" he goes on to start shopping for a new place to live online--but winds up settling on a place in Queens where he'd have a college student roommate. Ideal living.

57. Andy's interview (Episode 24)

Dwight takes his interview for a number two very, very seriously--no surprises there. The extended cut of his interview with Andy includes such pertinent questions as "talk me through an appendectomy" "what is a scented candle" and "what is the DHARMA initiative." There's also an arm wrestling component.

58. Schrute Bucks, the origin (Episode 24)

Dwight's Schrute Buck initiative gets its own origin story in the extended cut: the idea came from a Schrute family beet stand that sold irregular beets where workers were paid in "Schrute Deutsche Marks".

59. Compost challenges (Episode 24)

Dwight wants everyone in the office to be completely educated on both the life cycle of paper and the proper disposal of paper materials. Doing so involves a pop quiz (with Schrute Bucks given as prizes) including questions like how one might dispose of a human skull. The correct answer is to get a burial license and contact the authorities, in case you were wondering.

60. Schrute Buck counterfeiting (Episode 24)

Creed, naturally, is creating Schrute Bucks (by printing them out, because they're just paper)--2.1 million of them, to be exact--which he then tries to turn into Dwight for the cash value. When Dwight calls them out for being counterfeit, Creed threatens to flood "the market" with them making them worthless, as if they had any value to begin with.

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