The Boys Season 3: 18 Things We Want When The Amazon Superhero Show Returns Friv 0

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Here's our wish list for The Boys Season 3, when the show finally returns.

The dust has settled on The Boys Season 2, and despite how satisfying that finale was, it left us wanting much, much more. Luckily, Season 3 has already been set in motion, although production has yet to start--for more on that, check out everything we know about The Boys Season 3.

For now, with Season 3 definitely still a long way off, all we can do is speculate and wish. How long will it take Hughie to realize his new boss is not who he thinks she is? How will Starlight navigate the tension at Vought Tower? Will The Seven ever actually have seven active members again, and will The Boys reunite under Mallory? What role will Soldier Boy play?

We don't have the answers, but we do have a wish list. Here's everything we hope to see in The Boys Season 3 when the terrific Amazon show finally returns.

1. More of The Boys together

The end of Season 2 saw The Boys--Hughie, Butcher, Frenchie, Kimiko, and Mother's Milk--largely going their own ways. With their names cleared, Compound V exposed, and Becca dead, they had no reason to keep slumming together under the pawn shop. But Mallory offered Butcher a new deal in the finale: The Boys can keep operating going forward, this time as an official CIA-funded unit. We hope Butcher takes the deal and convinces the other Boys to join him.

2. More new characters who aren't dead or incapacitated by the end of the season

The Boys Season 2 introduced a bunch of new characters, including Lamplighter, Kimiko's brother Kenji, Alastair Adana (the head of the Church of the Collective), and Stormfront, to name the major ones. And all but one--Victoria Neuman--were dead or "neutralized" (in Stormfront's case) by the end of the season. We'd like to see more new characters that actually have the power to survive for more than eight episodes.

3. A long, drawn-out heel turn for Congresswoman Neuman

Speaking of Congresswoman Victoria Neuman, we'd like for her heel turn from liberal savior to "actually was working for Vought all along and is a mass murderer" to take all season, if not longer. Our hearts broke when we realized she wasn't actually on The Boys' side, but she's too good a villain, and there's too much potential tension there, to be used up all at once.

4. Continue fleshing out Kimiko

The show version of Kimiko is already exponentially more interesting than the comics version (The Female, a nameless, bland killing machine with no personality to speak of). With the various revelations about her background, the storyline involving her brother, and her amusing 'tude in Season 2, the show has done a much better job fleshing her out. We hope to see that continue in Season 3 and beyond.

5. More Hughie and Annie

Hughie and Annie are cute together, OK? We like them as a couple and hope their relationship stays strong through the hardships that are no doubt coming. Is that so much to ask?

6. What's up with Cindy?

The last we saw of Cindy, she was hitchhiking away from the Sage Grove facility. She's incredibly powerful, and will no doubt pop up again in the show's future.

7. More Stormfront

Stormfront may have had all her limbs burned off in the Season 2 finale, but according to Homelander during Vought's season-ending press conference, she's still alive--"neutralized," but not dead. It would be interesting to have her return in some fashion, even if she's not the nazi piece of s*** she once was.

8. More Maeve

Maeve got a lot of story and character development early on in Season 2, but by the last two episodes she basically served as an emergency rescue button for The Boys and Starlight (Maeve dropped in with a surprise rescue three separate times in the final two episodes). Here's hoping she figures her s*** out, gets back with Elena, and gets more time to shine in Season 3.

9. Character development for A-Train

A-Train didn't have the largest role to play in Season 2, but he's currently on an interesting trajectory. He hasn't rejected Vought by any means, and he's thrilled to be back on The Seven. But he did betray Vought when it served him, and he's witnessed firsthand how casually the company will toss him to the side if it serves Vought in the short term. We hope he slowly becomes a better person in future seasons.

10. WAY more Terror

Butcher's dog Terror is one of the best parts of the comics. He was introduced for a single episode in Season 2, and we're hoping he'll return.

11. Mother's Milk's backstory

Season 2 did a great job fleshing out The Boys' backstories, with flashbacks and diversions throughout that illuminated things like Frenchie's past life, Kimiko's and Butcher's families, and Mother's Milk's beef with Vought, inherited from his father. However, The Boys still hasn't explained why a person with the perfectly good first name "Marvin" instead goes by the extremely weird "Mother's Milk." Comics readers know what we're talking about. Here's hoping they get into it during Season 3.

12. More Grace Mallory

Grace Mallory has been gender-swapped from the comics, and her role has been expanded. But other than that, she's pretty similar--steel-willed and icy of countenance, no nonsense, gets s*** done, a force to be reckoned with, grippingly portrayed by actor Laila Robins. With Congresswoman Neuman's flip from good to bad, Mallory is back to being the good guys' most powerful ally, and we're hoping to see even more of her going forward.

13. The return of Love Sausage

One of the weirdest comics cameos in The Boys Season 2 came during the Sage Grove episode, when Mother's Milk was attacked by an experimental supe's massive, writhing, anaconda-like penis. In the original books, the character is known as Vasilii, supe name "Love Sausage," and he's actually one of The Boys' most dependable allies. We'd love to see him return, which showrunner Eric Kripke hinted might happen during the show's New York Comic Con panel.

14. New comics characters

On that note, there are a ton of comic book characters we'd like to see introduced in future The Boys seasons. There are plenty of superhero teams that the show hasn't adapted yet, from the G-Men to Payback (although there have been references to these as Easter eggs so far). Then there are characters like The Legend, a foulmouthed bizarro-Stan-Lee who feeds The Boys information from his contacts in the world of Vought comic book publishing. We did get Butcher's dog Terror in Season 2, so anything is possible.

15. A lot more supe-on-supe action

Some of the most thrilling scenes in Season 2 were the supe-on-supe fights, like the ones involving Starlight and Black Noir, or when Maeve, Kimiko, and Starlight ganged up on Stormfront in the finale. We're used to seeing superpowered heroes and villains fight each other in the MCU, the DCEU, and beyond, but The Boys' fights are comparatively gritty and grounded, and we'd love to see more of them.

16. Vought throughout history

Learning about Vought's history from Stan Edgar and Stormfront throughout Season 2 helped flesh out the villains and made for compelling backstory. But Vought no doubt had a huge role throughout the 20th century, and knowing the company was founded by a bonafide nazi will cast any new revelations in an even more sinister light. With Soldier Boy's impending introduction in Season 3, we'll know doubt learn more about Vought's history.

17. One single character in power who isn't corrupt and is on the right side, for heaven's sake

Congresswoman Victoria Neuman was a ray of hope throughout Season 2--right up until the point that she wasn't. It felt refreshing and safe to have a character in power on The Boys who wasn't corrupt or evil or a sociopath, which made her villainous reveal crushing. The Boys has yet to introduce whoever the president is in the show's fictional world--whoever they are, maybe they won't be a massive a**hole. Either way, it would be nice for The Boys to have at least one character in power who's on the right side of history.

18. Simon Pegg's return

Remember when Simon Pegg was on this show? If you haven't watched Season 1 in a while, you might have forgotten, because Hughie's dad didn't appear in Season 2. Now that The Boys aren't fugitives anymore, it would make sense for him to return.

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