Star Trek: Picard Episode 10 - 13 Easter Eggs And References Friv 0

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We're finally at the end of the first season of Star Trek: Picard, when all the work and context the series has constructed over the last 10 episodes comes together. We've seen what the legacy of Data has created, we know what the Zhat Vash are afraid of, and we know it's up to Picard to find a way to avert disaster. The personal history of Jean-Luc remains a big part of the story throughout Episode 10, with the season wrapping up not only its storylines, but some from The Next Generation, as well.

Check out all the Star Trek references and Easter eggs populating Picard's finale episode, "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2."

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1. A Zhat Vash Family

We've gotten a few hints at the family life of Narek and Narissa throughout the course of the first season of Star Trek: Picard, including that the siblings are related to Rahmda, the Romulan ex-Borg who Soji worked with briefly on the Artifact. A quick line in Episode 10 reveals that the pair also had parents who believed in the Zhat Vash philosophy, too--and, apparently, died for it. There aren't more details than that, but it's useful to know just how deep the devotion of these two Tal Shiar spies actually goes.

2. Make It So

Across the last 10 episodes, Picard hasn't missed an opportunity to call up Jean-Luc's classic, well-known phrases. Aboard La Sirena, it's Agnes who does the honors this time, telling Picard to "make it so."

3. "Queen Annika"

Seven of Nine gets her chance to confront Narissa aboard the crashed Artifact, but Narissa can't pass up the opportunity to needle Seven about her past. She calls her "Queen Annika," referencing Seven's brief stint in control of the Artifact, and notes that Annika was assimilated when she was a mere six years old. Annika's parents were researchers who studied the Borg, until they were discovered by the Collective and assimilated.

4. "This is for Hugh"

When we were first introduced to Seven on Picard, it was during a scene in which she discovered Icheb, another ex-Borg who Seven had been close to, being harvested for parts by rogue scientists. Seven got her revenge on the people responsible, and her confrontation with Narissa creates a similar situation. She gets justice for Hugh, another ex-Borg friend, but the act still takes its toll on Seven.

5. The Picard Maneuver

As Picard and Agnes try to find a way to delay the Romulan fleet, Agnes says that whatever they come up with will be called "the Picard Maneuver." She then immediately remembers that that's already a thing--it's actually a famous tactical move in Starfleet. During a battle with a Ferengi vessel at Maxia while commanding the Stargazer, Picard used a short-range warp jump to briefly make it appear to the attacking ship that the Stargazer was in two locations at once. The Ferengi ship fired at the false Stargazer, which gave Picard enough time to shoot back and destroy the enemy.

6. Acting Captain Will Riker

In Episode 9, Jean-Luc sent a transmission to the Federation asking for assistance to protect the synths. Just in time, Starfleet shows up with enough ships to stand up to the Romulans--with Will Riker leading the group. Riker explained earlier in the season that he was retired but still on the reserve roster for Starfleet, and with Picard in trouble, Riker leapt at the chance to help.

7. The Treaty Of Algeron

Riker brings a huge Federation fleet to take on the Romulans, but he doesn't kick off a war. Instead, he cites the Treaty of Algeron, the peace treaty that ended war between the Federation and Romulus more than a hundred years ago. It's the treaty that originally created the Neutral Zone between the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation, and if the Romulans violate it, it'll mean war with the Federation once again.

8. Another Vision Of Data

Picard has been seeing Data throughout the season, but in the end of Season 10, he actually gets a chance to meet him one more time. Of course, this is more a recreation of Data's consciousness, made in the same way Bruce Maddox was able to create new synths from Data's positronic neurons, but unlike Picard's dreams, this is as close to actually seeing his friend again as he could ever otherwise get.

9. Blue Skies

The first episode of Star Trek: Picard opened with the Irving Berlin song "Blue Skies," a callback to the song Data sang at Riker and Deanna Troi's wedding in "Star Trek: Nemesis." Data plays the song one last time in his simulated world before the end.

10. Data's Mortality

Data spent his life hoping to become more human. When he meets Picard one last time, Data asks for one last thing to make himself more human: mortality. He explains that mortality is a huge part of what makes human experiences a powerful part of life. Data spent most of his life expecting that he might live for a very long time--possibly forever. When he's finally faced with death, like many humans, he finds meaning in it.

11. The Tempest

In the final moments before shutting down Data's simulation, Picard quotes Shakespeare: "We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." It's a line from The Tempest, a play Data performed with Picard during their time on the Enterprise, in order to try to understand more about humanity.

12. Kal-Toh

As we scan through La Sirena in the final moments of the episode, we get a look at all of Picard's new crew. As the camera pans over Seven of Nine, we see her with what looks like a pile of pieces of metal. That's actually a Vulcan game of strategy called Kal-Toh, which Seven used to play with Commander Tuvok on Voyager. Tuvok used to play the game with Ensign Harry Kim, who never was able to beat him--but the first time Seven tried it, she beat Tuvok in one move.

13. Engage

The first season of Star Trek: Picard ends with Jean-Luc finally taking on the captain's role. The final moment of the season sees Picard setting out to again explore the galaxy, with Picard giving the order to the expectant crew: "Engage."

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