Assassin's Creed Odyssey Armor Guide: Best Legendary Armor So Far (Spoilers!) Friv 0

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The Armor Legends Are Made Of

Among the biggest new additions to Assassin's Creed Odyssey are armor sets that have individual pieces with their own unique defense values and stat bonuses. This contrasts the more outfit-centric armor sets from Origins, which were more there for cosmetic purposes. The new armor system often has you actively paying attention to the specific sets you're wearing, constantly pushing you towards swapping one piece for one that benefits your stats or playstyle the most. But as you push forward in your journey across Ancient Greece, you'll ultimately ask yourself: "Where can I find the best armor?"

Odyssey has more than a few sets that it deisgnates as top-tier. These sets are colored gold in your inventory and are named appropriately as "Legendary." Unlike most sets--which you typically loot from chests and enemies or purchase from stores--Legendary sets must be unlocked by completing specific questlines or by finding them in special chests scattered across the game's massive world.

Currently, there are 12 Legendary sets to collect, each with their own unique statistics and characteristics. What sets them apart from Rare or even Epic armor sets is the fact they have a special bonus that triggers upon equipping every piece. For example, the Spartan Hero set's bonus offers you +15% Damage to Warrior Abilities. The set bonuses vary from armor to armor, offering special perks that benefit some playstyles more than others.

To help you discover some of the best Legendary sets in the game, we've compiled details on where to find them, what their special bonuses are, and some insight towards the type of player they benefit the most. Be wary, there are some minor spoilers ahead!

For more Assassin's Creed Odyssey guides, check out our beginner's guide and our feature highlighting the best skills you can unlock. You can also read our recap of the franchise's story so far. Though, if you're curious about our thoughts on the game, don't forget to read our Assassin's Creed Odyssey review. GameSpot editor Alessandro Fillari said in his review: "While its large-scale campaign--clocking in at over 50 hours--can occasionally be tiresome, and some features don't quite make the impact they should, Assassin's Creed Odyssey makes great strides in its massive and dynamic world, and it's a joy to venture out and leave your mark on its ever-changing setting."

In the meantime, tell us which Legendary armor sets you love the most. Jump into the comments and have at it!

Artemis Set

Location / How To Unlock: You get the Artemis Set by defeating all of the Legendary beasts in the Daughters of Artemis quest-line.

Full Set Bonus: +15% damage to all Hunter abilities

If your focus is on picking off enemies with a bow, the Artemis set is what you'll want to be wearing at all times. Many of its pieces enhance bow-related statistics, such as bow charging speed, Hunter damage, headshot damage, and more. A suitable set for those who'd rather avoid getting up close and personal.

Demigod Set

How To Unlock: Defeat Deimos at the end of the game.

Full Set Bonus: +10% damage to all abilities

The Demigod set is a nice all-around set for those who don't specialize in anything in particular. While it mostly boosts Warrior damage, all of its pieces also offer decent boosts to all damage types. It's a decent set to equip if you're more interested in enhancing your base damage to a level that makes you well-equipped for any combat approach.

Amazonian/Achilles Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the "Heroes of the Cult" branch, which is located at the top right of the Cultists web. Each of these members drops a piece of the set.

Full Set Bonus: 2% damage dealt restored as health

The Amazonian/Achilles set is all about dealing consistently high damage. It mainly emphasizes Warrior damage, but its pieces enhance other statistics that elevate your ability to deal defeat enemies quickly and efficiently. Your critical damage and chance is increased, increasing your opportunity to dole out devastating hits. You also gain +15% Adrenaline with every hit, constantly fueling your supply in which to use abilities. All the while, you'll be earning health back with each subsequent hit that you land on your opponents.

*Pictured above is Kassandra's Amazonian set. For Alexios, this set is called the Achilles set.

Immortal Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the "Worshippers of the Bloodline" branch, which is located in the mid-right portion of the Cultists web. Each of these members drops a piece of the set.

Full Set Bonus: 20% health restored upon death (Can be reactivated after two-minute cooldown)

If you're all about seeing those high damage numbers, then the Immortal set is for you. Aside from a boost in Warrior damage, every single piece increases your critical damage. This is heightened when you're about to die, bumping your chance of critical damage up by 60%. And with the ability to automatically resurrect upon death, the Immortal set is definitely the one to wear if you lack restraint and would rather go gung-ho during a fight.

Agammemnon Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the "The Silver Vein" branch, which is located in the mid-left portion of the Cultists web. These members drop four of the five pieces of the set with the exception of Epiktetos. The fifth piece (Agamemnon's Gauntlets) can be found in a Legendary Chest in the Silver Mine of Attika region.

Full Set Bonus: +50% Burning Rate

The Agammemnon set is all about fire damage, inflicting consistent DPS (damage per second) against foes. This is the set to wear if you're a frequent user of the Flaming Attacks ability. Every single piece increases the potency of fire damage, as well as its duration and buildup.

Spartan War Hero Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the “Peloponnesian League" branch, which is located in the bottom portion of the Cultists web. Each of these members drops a piece of the set.

Full Set Bonus: +15% Damage with Warrior Abilities

The Spartan War Hero set is fitting of its namesake. It's all about Warrior damage, increasing the overall power of your critical damage and Overpower abilities. It even has a funny (though, not entirely useful) narrative-related perk that increases your damage dealt to Athenian soldiers. This is a set designed for those who have gone all in on the Warrior branch of the Abilities tree.

Pirate Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the “Gods of the Aegean Sea" branch, which is located in the right-bottom portion of the Cultists web. Each of these members drops a piece of the set.

Full Set Bonus: +15% Assassin damage

The Pirate set is for all the sneaky players out there. Its specialty is Assassin damage with many of its pieces increasing your ability to deal critical damage. It's the right set to equip if you want to ensure that every soldier you sneak up on can be insta-killed. There's some extra boost to your adrenaline upon each successful assassination--a handy perk for those who also often utilize abilities, like Rush Assassination and Hero Strike, during their infiltrations.

Snake Set

How To Unlock: Defeat all Cultists in the “Eye of the Kosmos" branch, which is located in the top-left portion of the Cultists web. Each of these members drops a piece of the set.

Full Set Bonus: +10% intoxicated damage and weakening effect

There's a reason why the Snake set looks the way it does. It's all about dealing poison damage (like a snake) and ensuring that it lasts as long as possible--whether inflicted by the Venemous Attacks ability in a fight or from afar with a poison arrow. The Snake set's full set bonus only enhances the poison's potency, making it perfect for those who desire a more sneaky and roguish approach to racking up DPS.

Pilgrim Set

How To Unlock: Each part of the Pilgrim can be found in Legendary chests hidden across the world.

  • Hood: Eleusis Telesterion in the Attika region
  • Gauntlets: Akropolis of Argos in the Argolis region
  • Garment: Temple of Athena in the Lakonia region
  • Belt: Temple of the Golden-Bowed Goddess in the Malis Region
  • Boots: Temple of Britomartis in the Messara Region

Full Set Bonus: -40% less Adrenaline depletion when using Shadow of Nyx ability

The Pilgrim set is great if you're all about being stealthy, but don't mind getting into a fight every now and then. That said, the set is more designed for hit-and-run encounters thanks largely to its full set bonus, which allows you stay invisible longer with the Shadow of Nyx ability. The pieces offer some significant boosts to your Adrenaline upon each general hit and successful assassination, supplying you the fuel needed to any of your Assassin abilities should you need it in a fight or when sneaking about.

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