Destiny 2: All The Warlock Voidwalker Skills Friv 0

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Do the Voidwalk.

The Warlock comes prepared with a whole assortment of new skills and abilities, but sometimes you just need to fall back on the old and reliable skills that helped you out in the past. In Destiny 2, the Voidwalker subclass makes a return, along with a few notable upgrades.

Along with the Stormcaller, and the brand new Dawnblade subclass, the Voidwalker returns with the focus on Void energy damage, along with the powerful and room clearing Nova Bomb, which is just as satisfying as ever.

Here's a quick breakdown of all the skills and traits for the Voidwalker subclass, and for more info on everything related to the Warlock and the other classes, check in with our guides below for all things happening with Destiny 2.

Super Ability: Nova Bomb

By activating the Nova Bomb super with L1 + R1 (LB + RB on Xbox One, F on PC), the Warlock charge up a single, devastating attack. Unlike other Supers that put you in a powered up state for a period of time, the Nova Bomb is a single use Super uses up your meter in an instant. While requiring a lot more precision and timing to use effectively, it's incredibly useful for clearing through foes in an instant and is an invaluable tool when you need a fast and hard hitting move.

Passive Buffs: Attunement of Chaos

If you believe yourself to be an agent of chaos, then the Voidwalker's path focusing on disruption is the one for you. With the passive buffs on this tree, you'll be powered up with traits that push your abilities to turn your foes into explosive targets, and making your Nova Bomb a slow moving orb of destruction that will seek your targets out.

Passive Buffs: Attunement of Hunger

With the path of Hunger, your moves have a more parasitic twist. For one, your melee moves will suck the life of your enemies to restore your own, and the Warlock can even absorb their own grenade to regain vitality in a pinch. More importantly, their Nova Bomb will transform into a powerful vortex that will contain trapped enemies and damage them over time.


L1 (LB on Xbox One and Q on PC) with the Voidwalker subclass enables the Warlock to toss grenades imbued with Void damage, but also with a few key differences. Here are the three different grenade types you can apply your character.

Vortex Grenade - A grenade that creates a Vortex which continually damages enemies trapped inside. Focusing on damage over time, this Vortex Grenade will harm enemies that stay within a particular spot. While useful when you've got an enemy pinned, it'll be hard for it be effective on moving targets.

Axion Bolt - A bolt of Void Light that forls into smaller bolts on impact that seek out enemies. This seeker grenade is useful for moving targets, but can be slow to track down its targets.

Scatter Grenade - A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions. Great in a crowd, and especially effective on elite targets. However, it can be tough to use on foes that absorb move often.


R1 (RB on Xbox One and C on PC) will allow the Warlock to use melee strikes. With the Voidwalker, these melee attacks can be amplified with some rather unique traits.

Entropic Pull - Strike an enemy with this Melee ability to drain your enemy's life force and use it to recharge your grenade. When you're in of your grenade skill, going in for a quick hit with this move will restore your other skill if you need it.

Devour - Strike an enemy with this Melee ability to fully regenerate your health. For a short time afterward, kills restore additional health. This parasitic move will allow you to drain the life out of your foes, which can be invaluable during a larger fight with smaller minions running around.

Passive Traits

The Voidwalker's passive traits focus on absorbing damage and charging up their skills, this subclass is very much the class that can look after itself if needs to, subsisting off their own power and vitality of the enemies they come across. The two trees focusing on different Passive Traits can alter your Voidwalker in a number of interesting ways.

Attunement of Chaos

Chaos Accelerant - Draw power from your Super to overcharge your grenade, making it deadlier and more effective. Though sacrificing your Super energy can be risky, and downright reckless in most situations, sometimes going for the grenade is more wise than wasting a Super.

Bloom - Void ability kills cause enemies to explode. Given the Voidwalker's focus on causing mass damage to several foes, this can be incredibly effective when you've got a number of enemies bunched together.

Cataclysm - Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early. Essentially turning your Nova Bomb into a Smart Bomb, this is a more tactical take on the Super, which can be used in some clever ways.

Attunement of Hunger

Feed The Void - Consume Your Grenade energy to regenerate your health. Grants the Devour effect. If you're in a pinch, eating your grenade to restore your health can be a serious asset during a nasty fight.

Insatiable - While Devour is effect in active, killing enemies extends its duration and recharges your grenade. When you're on a roll clearing through enemies, this can be be a significant boost your momentum during battle, keeping you on the move with your skills at the ready.

Vortex - Nova Bomb creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside. With the effectiveness of Nova Bomb apparent, this modifier can turn the Super move into something greater, especially if you can pin several targets in place at once.

Class Ability

New to Destiny 2 are class abilities which gives Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans a unique skill to perform in addition to their special grenade and melee abilities. To use them, press and hold the Circle Button (B on Xbox One, V on PC).

For the Warlocks, they're granted Rifts with the ability offer buffs to allies, such as increasing attack power, and restoring health while standing within the spot where the Rift is located.

Healing Rift - Conjure a well of Light that continuously heals those inside it. With the amount of damage you'll taking over the course of your adventure, this is great skill to have when you and your allies to duck behind cover and heal on the quick.

Empowering Rift - Conjure a well of Light that increases weapon damage for those inside it. When you need to do some serious damage in a short amount of time, you can drop this Rift to increase the amount of damage your weapons dish out--this Rift is especially useful when you have a boss weakened, and you want to get some strong and fast damage in.


Unlike the Titans and Hunters, the Warlock's jumping abilities tend to focus on more graceful, and having accurate control during the initial rise and descent. Gliding is a big part of the Warlock's mobility, which allows them to survey the field and plan ahead during a fight.

Strafe Glide - Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with strong directional control.

Burst Glide - Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed.

Blink - Jump while airborne to teleport a short distance. This is the one move is shared with the Hunter class. If the Warlock's glide isn't up to your style, then this move serves to be the best of both worlds--balancing grace with cunning.

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